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Expert Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Math Tutoring Online and Bethesda,MD
TLC technique in organic chemistry lab
n the beginning of the procedure, the student puts a drop each of the control substances as well as experimental outcome. He/she then immers
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Grignard reagent in organic chemistry
Reactions of Grignard:
Grignard reagent is a strong base. Thus it will attack any electrophile and can participate in a variety of reagents.
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How to recognize carbocation rearrangements?
In organic chemistry, when students learn reactions oftentimes hydride and alkyl shifts happen that student might not recognize. Here are...
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Molecular Orbital Theory
In organic chemistry, students learn about molecular orbitals. Molecular orbitals are combinations of atomic orbitals that result in the ove
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Helpful tricks and tips for organic chemistry
Organic chemistry is a difficult class that more pre-health students are required to take. While, it has no math, it involves a lot of...
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Making OH a good leaving group
OH makes a bad leaving group since if it would leave, it would be OH-, a very strong base that is ready to attack. Therefore, we will discus
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Number of signals in HNMR
One of the most important features of HNMR is the number of signals.
Number of signals represents the number of different hydrogens. What d
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Jones reagent versus PCC
In organic chemistry students will learn both Jones (CrO3/ aq H2SO4) and PCC reagents and will need to know how to differentiate between the
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Best book for Organic Chemistry
There are many different textbooks for organic chemistry on the market. I find the best, in terms of understanding and step by step...
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Formula for Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes
Organic Chemistry formulas: Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes are three classes belonging to the hydrocarbon homologues series. These are...
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Looking for Chemistry Tutoring?
I tutor all levels of chemistry including general and organic chemistry.
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