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John Hopkins Organic Chemistry Tutor 2024

Mayya Alocci is a veteran chemistry tutor with over 14 years of tutoring experience. She is an Honors graduate of NYU with a double major in chemistry and psychology. Mayya has tutored hundreds of students in general and organic chemistry with outstanding results resulting in many successful medical school admissions. She is the founder of Transformation Tutoring.
JHU Organic Chemistry I and II
(AS.030.205 and AS.030.206)
Organic Chemistry at JHU is usually taught by the following professors: Falzone Christopher, Nsengiyumva Olivier,Tovar J D Dayton, Klausen Rebekka,
Textbook Used: "Organic Chemistry" by P. Bruice
Exams: There are 3 exams and a final. Each exam is 100 points and a final is 125 points.
How to do well: Do all of the suggested problems thoroughly. Go over all of the past exam questions given. Try to do each problem on your own and if not sure, check the answer key and redo the problem until you have mastered it. Like always, practice makes perfect and hard work and time can make a difficult class easier and more fun.
The preparation will depend on the professor you have and what kind of problems and topics the professor puts focus on.
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