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  MCAT Tutor Online


Prepare with us and ace MCAT with Grant S., Harvard Medical School Graduate!

Grant has taken the MCAT and scored 526 (100%). He has helped many students improve their MCAT score and get into MD and DO programs.


  • What is MCAT Content percent of subjects in each section:



Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Section:


25%biochemistry, 5%biology, 30% general chemistry, 15% organic chemistry, 25% physics


Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems Section:


25%biochemistry, 65% biology, 5%general chemistry, 5% organic chemistry


Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior Section:


65% psychology, 30% sociology, 5% biology


Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Section:


Humanities 50%, Social Sciences, 50% 



  • How long is each section and what is the order of sections?


Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Section: 59 questions, 95 minutes


Break:10 minutes


Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Section: 53 questions, 90 minutes


Break: 30 minutes


Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems Section: 59 questions, 95 minutes


Break:10 minutes


Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior Section: 59 questions, 95 minutes



  • What free resources are there for the MCAT?


Khan Academy has partnered with AAMC for content review and practice passages for the new MCAT


One great series of biochemistry videos that are concise, and very helpful are those by moof university. Check them out!



  • How many times does AAMC allow to take the MCAT?


You can take MCAT maximum 3 times a year, 4 times in 2 years and 7 times in your lifetime.




  • How is the MCAT scored?


The total score will range from 472 to 528. The midpoint is 500. Each of the four sections will be scored from a low of 118 to a high of 132, with a midpoint of 125. Scores are released approximately 30-35 days after each test day. Current year's percentile ranks

  • Registering for the MCAT 

The last day you can reschedule or cancel MCAT is up to 10 days before your exam date (with cancellation and rescheduling fees). 


Find Free MCAT Resources Here

For your free consultation with an MCAT tutor in NYC, please call 646-407-9078

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Grant S. M.D. graduated Harvard Medical School in 2022.

He graduated summa cum laude from Emory University in 2015 with degrees in Religion and Biology and competed masters in behavioral science and health education at Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.  Grant self-studied for the MCAT for six months while teaching high school science at District of Columbia Public Schools. He earned an impressive 526 (132, 132, 132, 130), placing him in the 100th percentile of test-takers in 2016.


Grant sets up a study schedule for each student using the AAMC topics list as a curriculum guide. Prior to each session, the student receives a personalized problem set to target knowledge gaps. During sessions, these exercises serve as a starting point for in-depth conversation about MCAT topics. 

Results: Grant's recent students scored 519, 521 and 514 on 2024 MCAT.

"My son’s MCAT went very well, he got 514 and starting med school August 8! We are very thankful to Grant, he was fantastic, we already passed on his information to quite a few people who were very interested. Thank you again!"


Marina M


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