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Ice, H2O(s), is classified as

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Ice, H2O(s), is classified as

(1) an ionic compound (2) a molecular compound

(3) a homogeneous mixture

(4) a heterogeneous mixture

Solution and Explanation:

In order for us to correctly classify ice (which is just water in a solid phase), we must first learn what each answer choice means. 1. For a compound to be ionic, it must be a metal with a nonmetal. Since both hydrogen and oxygen are nonmetals, choice 1 must be wrong. 2. A molecular compound is composed of 2 or more nonmetals. Since both hydrogen and oxygen are nonmetals choice 2 is the correct answer choice.

Let's now go over the rest of the answer choices. A homogeneous mixture is composed of 2 or more compounds and has a uniform composition. Examples of homogeneous mixtures are salt water and coffee. A heterogeneous mixture, on the other hand, is composed of 2 or more compounds but is not uniform, such as soup or cereal or sand.

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