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How To Ace Your Organic Chemistry Class?

organic chemistry tutor NYC

Organic chemistry is notorious for being one of the hardest subjects in college. Don't panic though. Here is a list of how to best study and ace your organic chemistry class.

1. Read the chapter, paying most attention to the in chapter problems. Some students even skip reading the chapter since problems practicing is most important for organic chemistry. You can try to do the in-chapter problems on your own and then check with the answers to make sure you did it correctly.

2. Go over classwork and HW problems. Practice is of outmost importance in organic chemistry. Practice problems from classwork, HW, and end of chapter every day. Practice will make it easier for you to remember reactions and reagents and be prepared for any tricky problems you get on your test.

3. Use multiple studying sources.

Many students find "Orgo As A Second Language" by David Klein to be particularly helpful. We also recommend watching youtube videos, such as Khan Academy for any topic you didn't fully understand.

4. Form study groups. Study groups are excellent when it comes to organic chemistry classes. We recommend a study group of 2-4 people. When you teach someone, it is the best way to learn and understand material.

5. Use colored pens. Organic chemistry can be confusing. Using different colors allows you to see the mechanisms and reactions more clearly.

6. Number carbons. Oftentimes, we work with long molecules that we have to do reactions with. If you are not sure what the product is, we suggest numbering carbons to make sure you do not lose any carbons and everything is attached correctly. You can also number carbons in synthesis to see more clearly how the product is different from the reactant.

7. Go to the professor's office hours. You can ask professor any questions you have about the topic you're studying. It will also help to develop a good relationship with the professor and show that you are motivated to do well in class.

8. Redo all of the practice tests. If your professor gives you any old tests to practice, that them as gold. Make sure you do all of the questions and check the answers. We suggest doing practice tests several times. You can learn about the style of questions your professor likes to ask from the practice questions.

We love organic chemistry and have the best organic chemistry tutors in Brooklyn, Manhattan and online. To schedule a session, please call 646-407-9078

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