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What is the color of bromcresol green indicator in a solution with a pH value of 2.0?

chemistry tutor NYC

What is the color of bromcresol green indicator in a solution with a pH value of 2.0?

(1) blue

(2) green

(3) red

(4) yellow

Answer: Choice 4

Solution: An indicator allows us to figure out the pH range of the solution and whether it is acidic or basic. To do this problem, we need to look at Table M of the Regent Reference Table, Common Acid–Base Indicators.

According to the table, bromcresol green, has a pH range for color change of 3.8-5.4 and the color change is yellow to blue. Therefore, a solution whose pH is less than 3.8 will have a yellow color with bromcresol green indicator. On the other hand, a solution whose pH is higher than 5.4 will have a blue color.

In this question, the pH value is 2.0, which is less than 3.8, therefore bromcresol green will be of yellow color.

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