A chiral molecule is that it is a molecule whose mirror image is not superimposable. However, for those of us who have a hard time rotating 3D molecules in their mind and trying to superimpose them on one another, I came up with an easy step by step chart to help with this task. Let's take a look! You can scroll down for the video explanation!
The chart below shows how to determine whether a molecule is chiral or achiral. Please keep in mind that there are exceptions to the chart since there are molecules that do not have stereogenic centers/carbons and are still chiral but these are much more rare.
1. First we need to determine if the molecule has any stereogenic carbons (chiral carbons). These are carbons that are connected to four different groups. If no, the molecule is achiral. If yes, we go to the next question.
2. Are there 2 or more stereogenic carbons? If no, the molecule is chiral. If yes, another question.
3. Is there a line of symmetry that cuts the molecule in half with two identical halfs. The line of symmetry can be vertical, diagonal, horizontal, etc. If yes, the molecule is called MESO and is achiral. If no, the molecule is chiral

How To Determine If The Molecule Is Chiral Part 1
How To Determine If The Molecule Is Chiral Part 2
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