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Which Group 15 element is classified as a metal?

Chemistry Regent Exam August 2022

6. Which Group 15 element is classified as a metal?

(1) N

(2) P (3) As

(4) Bi

Explanation: Refer to the Periodic Table on the reference table. Groups are vertical columns. Group 15 has the following elements: N, P, As, Sb, and Bi. Notice the periodic table has a staircase diving it into two sections. To the right of the staircase are nonmetals. To the left of the staircase are metals. Metalloids(B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, At) are located on the staircase. Nitrogen is to the right of the staircase and is therefore nonmetal. Same goes for phosphorus. As is on the staircase and is a metalloid. Bi is to the left of the staircase and is a metal!

Answer: 4

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