USMLE Step1,2 and 3 Tutor Online
Prepare with us and pass Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 USMLE exams with our Harvard educated M.D. tutor!
Grant has taken taken all three USMLE exams himself with great scores. He has been helping our students prepare for these challenging exams and ace them.

Grant S. M.D. graduated Harvard Medical School in 2022.
He graduated summa cum laude from Emory University in 2015 with degrees in Religion and Biology and competed masters in behavioral science and health education at Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.
Grant has tutored USMLE for the past three years. He helps students with both strategy and content review. This includes: setting up a study plan, choosing study materials, and teaching mini lessons around high-yield content.

USMLE Overview
How long is USMLE Step 1?
Step 1 is a one day exam that lasts 8 hours. It is administered in 7 blocks, 60 minutes each. There is also a minimum 45 minutes break.
How many questions does Step 1 have?
Each block has a maximum of 40 questions but the number of questions vary. There are approximately 280 multiple- choice questions.
What content is on USMLE Step 1 test?
The test covers 11 systems.
These are:
Human Development = 1-3%
Blood & Lymphoreticular/Immune Systems = 8–13%
Behavioral Health & Nervous Systems/Special Senses= 10–14%
Musculoskeletal, Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue = 7–12%
Cardiovascular System= 6-11%
Respiratory & Renal/Urinary Systems= 10–15%
Gastrointestinal System= 5–10%
Reproductive & Endocrine Systems = 9–13%
Multisystem Processes & Disorders = 11-16%
Biostatistics & Epidemiology/Population Health = 4–6%
Social Sciences: Communication and Interpersonal Skills = 6-9%
How is USMLE Step 1 graded? Starting from January 26, 2022, the exam is pass/fail only, without a numeric score.
How many times can I take USMLE? Each step has a maximum of 4 attempts.
When can I take Step 1 retake? The same exam can be taken no more than three times in a 12-month period.
Step 2
How many questions does USMLE Step 2 have? There are approximately 318 MCQs, divided into eight 60-minute blocks.
How long is the USMLE Step 2? The test is one day and approximately 9 hours.
What content does USMLE Step 2 cover?
Human Development = 2–4%
Immune System= 3–5%
Blood & Lymphoreticular System= 4–6%
Behavioral Health= 6–8%
Nervous System & Special Senses = 6–8%
Musculoskeletal System/Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue = 6–10%
Cardiovascular System = 8–10%
Respiratory System = 7–9%
Gastrointestinal System = 7–9%
Renal & Urinary System & Male Reproductive 4–6%
Pregnancy, Childbirth & the Puerperium = 4–6%
Female Reproductive System & Breast = 4–6%
Endocrine System = 4–6%
Multisystem Processes & Disorders= 4–6%
Biostatistics & Epidemiology/Population Health/Interpretation of Medical Literature = 3–5 %
Social Sciences: Legal/Ethical Issues & Professionalism/Systems-based Practice & Patient Safety = 10–15%
Step 2 CK Discipline Specifications:
Medicine: 50–60%
Surgery: 25–30%
Pediatrics: 20–25%
Obstetrics & Gynecology: 10–20%
Psychiatry: 10–15%
Step 2 CK Physician Tasks/Competencies Specifications:
Patient Care: Laboratory/Diagnostic Studies: 13–17%
Patient Care: Diagnosis: 16–20%
Patient Care: Prognosis/Outcome: 5–9%
Patient Care: Health Maintenance/Disease Prevention: 8–12%
Patient Care: Pharmacotherapy: 8–12%
Patient Care: Clinical Interventions: 6–10%
Patient Care: Mixed Management: 12–16%
Practice-based Learning & Improvement: 3–5%
Professionalism: 5–7%
Systems-based Practice & Patient Safety: 5–7%
Step 3
What kind of questions are on USMLE Step 3?
There are multiple choice questions as well as computer based case stimulations.
How long is Step 3 exam? The exam is a two day exam. The first day of testing includes 232 multiple-choice questions divided into 6 blocks. Each block needs to be completed within 60 minutes. The second day is approximately 9 hours. On the second day, 180 multiple-choice questions are given, divided into 6 blocks. Also, 13 case stimulations are given, each with a maximum of 10-20 minutes given.
What content does Step 3 cover?
Day 1 content areas include application of foundational sciences; understanding of biostatistics and epidemiology/population health, and interpretation of the medical literature; and application of social sciences, including communication and interpersonal skills, 180 multiple-choice items, divided into 6 blocks of 30 itemsmedical ethics, systems-based practice, and patient safety.
Day 2 consists of assessment of knowledge of diagnosis and management with a focus on prognosis and outcome, health maintenance and screening, therapeutics, and medical decision making, knowledge of history and physical examination, diagnosis, and use of diagnostic studies also is assessed.